Frequently Asked Questions

We provide full-service video production. We are 2D animation specialists, but we also offer filming services, 3D animations, game art assets, and digital marketing / creativity consultations.

First, we set up a call with your core group and review your general project brief. Our team will then spend some time reviewing the information from our kick-off call and afterwards, provide you with our creative and budget proposal. Once the proposal receives the greenlight, the production process begins. The phases entail scripting, designing, storyboarding, music and voice overs additions, animation, and finally our quality assurance review. We will be in close communication with you each step of the way, so you can have a front row seat to seeing the magic happen. For more information, please visit the process page on our website:

These days videos are used in countless ways, and we can help you navigate the sea of choices to help find the best fit for your vision. Depending on your business needs, we can offer promo spots, explainers videos, tutorials, internal communications, and so much more!

The answer depends on your vision along with your restrictions (i.e. budgets, turnaround time, etc.). We at Marmota believe that quality is the most important factor to our work, and we have tons of experience in helping clients in restrictive situations achieve their goals. Let’s have a conversation and work together to adapt the best game plan for your needs. Get a free quote today:

Marmota’s clients are mainly located in the United States, but we also work with clients in Central America, South America, and the EU.

We accept checks, direct deposits. We also accept Bitcoin and ETH.